What Is It
Post Social is a physical social media platform that invites users to interact with each other through letter posts.
Fyi, it is not chain mail :)
The idea behind Post Social is to generate a tactile connection between friends. This might be new for some or a blast from the past for others. Either way, it seems our world is largely digital, and bringing a physical element into our lives could help slow things down, and allow us to enjoy the moment just a little more.
How It Works (Post Creator)
Download the template for your post and print it out.
It fits an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper (landscape).
It fits an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper (landscape).
Ask four friends for their mailing address. Be sure to tell them your plan and ask if it is ok that their address will be listed along side others. We share our information in all kinds of places but best to get permission here and have everyone on the same comfort level.
Put your address as Address 1. Fill in the other four mailing addresses with those of your friends. The order of the addresses is the same order that your post is mailed. Obviously, you do not need to fill all the addresses. If you leave some empty cross them out somehow for the receiver(s) to know it was intentional.
Create your post. It should be hand written. Add media (if you want). Stick figure drawings are more than acceptable. It's up to your own imagination what to put there. Taping or gluing other work is also acceptable.
The posts can be light and simple, like "I just had this noodle bowl for lunch" (included with a bad sketch of the noodle bowl). Or, they can be as personal and nuanced as you wish.
Once your post is complete, mail the letter to Address 2.
How It Works (Post Receiver)
If you receive a post (lucky you :), take the time to enjoy the post and tactile experience.
Once you have absorbed the full extent of the post, create a reply in the first Reply space available. Where you reply should correspond to your address number minus 1. This helps the poster know which reply belongs to who.
Once you have replied, mail the letter to the address immediately following yours. There is of course an exception here if you are Address #5 or the last address in the list. The goal is that the original poster gets the post letter back (and can read all the replies). So, address #5 mails the post letter back to Address #1 and completes the post.
Hopefully, the original poster gets their post back. Keep it, don't keep it, scrap book it, tuck it away in a drawer. It is your post to do what you want. If it was fun, maybe there will be more :)